General Microbiology |
Download |
1. |
General Instructions For Microbiology Laboratory |
2. |
Sterilization & Disinfection |
3. |
Simple Staining & Negative Staining |
4. |
Gram’s Staining |
5. |
Acid Fast Staining |
6. |
Endospore, Capsule, Flagella and Metachromatic Granules Staining |
7. |
Bacterial Motility Hanging Drop Method |
8. |
Bacterial Culture Media |
9. |
Aerobic and Anaerobic Cultivation of Bacteria |
10. |
Cultural Characteristics of Bacteria |
11. |
Morphological studies on Bacteria of Veterinary Importance |
12. |
Microscopy |
13. |
Antibiotic Sensitivity Test |
14. |
Slide Culture Technique and Lactophenol Cotton Blue Staining for Fungi |